Braided Wool Rug

Braided rugs showcase unique textures. Wool rugs are natural options that immediately convey a cozy feel. So, what do you get when you combine the two? A beautiful eye-catching statement, that's what!

Modern Interior Design

Braided wool rugs offer tons of decorative possibilities, from monochrome models to bicolor patterns and the brightest designs.

Overall, we recommend opting for simpler rugs if you're going to place yours in the middle of a colorful seating area that already showcases a couple of attention-grabbing patterns.

Alternatively, if your furniture is neutral or monochrome, you can really get creative with the boldest rug designs.

Are wool rugs healthy?

Yes, wool rugs are some of the healthiest options since, because they're natural, they're also hypoallergenic: perfect for both sensitive humans and pets.

Are wool area rugs good?

Yes, wool area rugs are a great choice. As well as being hypoallergenic, they're natural, cozy, warm, energy-efficient, fire-resistant, and mostly biodegradable.

What shape braided wool rug should I choose?

When it comes to the shape of your new braided wool rug, these are your main options:

  • rectangular: the most popular, it's particularly handy in longer areas like a corridor or your kitchen as well as larger ones such as the seating area of your living room
  • round: versatile and a bit more casual, these rugs can help you make a narrow room (especially a round one) look bigger
  • oval: a creative alternative that combines the perks of the first two shapes
  • square: ideal in square rooms or seating areas, these rugs can easily be paired up with tables or coffee tables in the same shape

Can you vacuum a braided wool rug?

Yes, you can definitely vacuum a braided wool rug. However, for the best results and to promote its longevity without breaking its fibers, we recommend doing so with a no-beater bar.

Green Wool Area Rug

No matter where you're going to place it, this handmade braided wool rug will stand out for several reasons. From its beautiful round design to the earthy palette that combines natural and exotic vibes, it's an eye-catching statement that will showcase your unique taste in décor.

Green Wool Area Rug

Chevron Area Rug

If you have a fairly long area to fill but are a bit tired of classic rectangular shapes, check out this braided wool rug boasting a beautiful oval design. Soft but sturdy, it's also reversible, meaning that it will last twice as long as traditional rugs (hint, hint: perfect in high-traffic areas).

Chevron Area Rug

Oatmeal Area Rug

So full of concentric circles that it's almost hypnotizing, this braided wool rug combines earthy tones like oatmeal and maroon with some bolder sage and navy shades. Thanks to its traditional feel that adds a sophisticated touch to a versatile, casual approach, it can work with several types of décors.

Oatmeal Area Rug

Ivory Area Rug

Neutral braided wool rugs are never boring. On the contrary, a model like this ivory one can help you balance darker palettes or areas with several patterns. Versatile and practical, this rug can work with all sorts of interiors, from delicate shabby chic to raw industrial settings.

Ivory Area Rug

Bombay Area Rug

Homaging Bombay's vibrant feel, this braided wool rug is colorful but not too saturated at the same time. This clever approach makes it easier to pair it up with both colder and warmer palettes: how cool is that?! To make it pop, consider placing it on white or light-colored floors.

Bombay Area Rug

Striped Area Rug

Patiently handmade, this braided wool rug allows you to bring a dash of nature inside your home thanks to its bright green stripes and versatile ivory background. This is especially a perfect fit for bohemian interiors or even rooms that boasts several houseplants. Plus, look at those adorable tassel fringes!

Striped Area Rug

This is a different take on the same design showcased by the previous rug, but with a different color scheme that includes a bold navy blue. As you can probably tell, this rectangular braided wool rug couldn't make your passion for coastal and nautical décor more obvious. Ahoy!

Navy Blue Area Rug

Multicolor Area Rug

Despite its neutral color, this braided wool rug will immediately allow you to make a strong bohemian statement in your living room, bedroom, or wherever you decide to place it. It's undeniably aesthetically pleasing thanks to its round shape, and it's made of a natural blend of jute, sisal, and, of course, wool.

Multicolor Area Rug

Rectangular Area Rug

How about a rectangular braided wool rug with a dynamic feel? Thanks to the clever alternation of colors in an artsy fashion, this rug manages to inspire a lively sense of movement as well as some eclectic vibes. Why not use it to liven up a neutral seating area?

Rectangular Area Rug

Green Beige Wool Rug

This handmade braided wool rug will look particularly stunning in round rooms or in the middle of smaller seating areas. Adding a touch of yellow to its green and beige tones, it can work in settings with either cold or warm palettes: a truly versatile choice to breathe some personality into your room.

Green Beige Wool Rug

Jessica started out as an interior photographer, but her love of pretty settings took her to the field of interior design, where she can combine two of her greatest passions, creating and then capturing the beauty of homes.